Friend, all offerings are made in the gift economy. In Chinese, the word for economy is 經濟 (pronounced jing ji) and it means “to manage” and “to resource and aid.” How do we want to manage our resources and aid? What if we shared them abundantly with each other?

The gift economy is one way to build collective wealth. By sharing our gifts freely with each other, we take care of each other and ensure our interdependent wellness.

That’s why I offer astrology as a gift. It is offered freely with joy, because as a wise elder once taught me: “I don’t do anything I wouldn’t do for free.” Not assigning a dollar amount keeps me clear that I do not own these things. However, for astrology to thrive, we must take care of it. That’s why your donation matters.


Others may not tell you the reasoning behind their rates… but in the gift economy, transparency and honesty is the backbone of our relationship. Here is a transparent look into my finances:

  • In 2023, I need to resource $4,000 a month to sustain my work as a full-time astrologer.

  • $1,000 of monthly income comes in through workshops. The rest depends on donations for readings.

  • I spend 1 - 2 hours preparing, in addition to the time allotted for the reading.

  • Among my peers in the field, the standard rate for a reading is between $150-300 USD.

  • I offer 20 readings per month, which averages to $200 USD per session.

  • VENMO me @agardenofstars. Thank you for donating! Your contribution pays it forward.

Due to our capitalist training, most people are conditioned to look for a bargain. Whether consciously or not, most people give the lowest amount they can without feeling guilty. But the point of the gift economy is to decolonize our minds. To move away from scarcity and competition, and return ourselves to generosity and collective care.


Money is like water: it must flow to stay alive. When money is hoarded, it rots like water and dies. Since we live in an inequitable world, we know not everyone has equal access to resources. To keep the gift flowing, it is key for those who can to give more, so that those who have less can give less. Below are some invitations you can consider as you discern how much you can donate. I encourage you to donate an amount that combines a feeling of “easeful” and “generous.”

Pay-It-Forward $250-$350: Consider paying in this range if you are comfortably able to meet your basic needs*, own the home you live in or rent a higher end property, have access to savings and/or investments and/or inherited wealth, and have reliable work or do not need to work to meet your needs. This is a pay-it-forward rate that paves for the way for others.

At Cost $150-250: Consider paying in this range if the reading would be an investment, but not create hardship for you. You might choose this rate if you are regularly able to meet your basic needs*, have some expendable income, and have some debt but are able to pay it regularly. This is the at-cost rate.

Reparative $100-150: Consider paying in this range if it is a stretch to meet your basic needs*, you have limited expendable income and limited to no savings, have significant debt, no financial safety net from family, and paying more would pose a significant hardship. This is a reparative rate to redistribute healing resources in the face of systemic oppression.

*Basic needs defined for these purposes as housing, healthcare, food, transportation, and childcare.

Please refer to the above as considerations in your decision making rather than fixed rates. I never want money to be a barrier to access.


As part of my ongoing commitment to accessibility: 100% free readings are offered every First Friday. These are 20-minute mini-readings. You can choose between a Sun-Moon-Rising reading, or a horary divination (in which you ask a question, and I astrologically divine the answer). I especially extend a big, warm welcome to you on Freedom Friday if you have trouble accessing mental and spiritual health resources for financial reasons. Come hang out and practice just receiving! Please contact me directly to schedule.


I also appreciate donations of your time or of items I need. Here are a few ways you can donate goods or services:

  • Web support

  • Adopt my newsletter bills — $132/year

  • Adopt my web-hosting bills — $144/year

  • Adopt my Acuity scheduler bills — $180/year

  • Sponsor my ticket to an astrology conference — $400

  • Sponsor my professional development with Demetra George — $1000

  • Whole-life doula certification (currently enrolled in third and final year) — $3200

Things I would happily trade for:

  • Osteopathy

  • Structural reintegration bodywork

  • Woodworking instruction

  • Flower essences and herbal medicines

  • Massage

  • Pattern-making and sewing classes

With any other questions, please fill out the contact form below.