A conversation with the cosmos about what the planets are telling us right now.
Una conversación con los astros sobre lo que las planetas nos dicen en este momento.
image description: night sky of stars background, overlaid with a grey half circle that has in black font: Convo with the Cosmos, Guidance from the Galaxy.
Five astrologers across the globe will discuss major astrological signatures of now. I’m honored to be one of them! We’ll talk about what we can learn from this unprecedented moment — and how we can reach our highest potential as individuals and as a collective.
Cinco astrólogxs desde diferentes rincones del mundo nos compartirán sobre lo que está sucediendo con los astros en este momento, que es lo que podemos aprender de ellxs y como podemos alcanzar nuestra mejor versión como personas y como colectivo.
Please register here to receive the link and password to protect the safety of the event. Hosted on Zoom by the inimitable Chef Gabriela Álvarez.
Por favor, regístrese aquí para recibir el link y la contraseña, por cuestiones de seguridad. El evento será transmitido a través de Zoom, alojada por Gabriela Alvarez. Gabriela Álvarez.
Access support // Apoyo de acceso:
Spanish language interpretation will be provided. // Tendremos interpretacion en Espanol.
Closed captioning will be available (contact me if you can volunteer, too!) // Tendremos subtitulos en Ingles.
All images will be screen-reader friendly. // Todos imagines tienen descripciones.
Event free of charge. Donations welcome via Venmo @Giselle-Castano // El evento esta ofrecido gratis. Donaciones bienvenidas por Venmo @ Giselle-Castano.
Tell us in the registration about any other access needs you’d like to share! // Compartenos en la registracion si hay otro apoyo que quiere.
Excited to see you there! // Emocionada verle alli!
image description: night sky of stars background, overlaid with a grey circle that. On the circle in black font it states: Convo with the Cosmos, Guidance from the Galaxy. A conversation with astrologers about what the planets are telling us right now. Hosted by Chef Gabriela Alvarez. Saturday April 18th, 5pm PT // 8pm ET // 8am TP. Register: www.gisellecastano.com. Underneath this image are pictures of 5 astrologers, all smiling directly at the camera. Giselle Castano, Loda Shaw, Deborah Singletary, Inez Singletary, LiZhen Wang.