At the start of 2020, before face masks covered the world, before protests erupted us out of isolation, before climate catastrophe blazed undeniably… I wrote a post called “The Astrology of 2020: Small Steps to Big System Change.” In it, I anticipated this year would seed big visions, but take many steps forward, then back, then forward again. I said the old power structures are crumbling, but that they would surge with a last gasp for control. Some other things I said back in January:
“We may feel like we are being dragged through change after change.”
“A massive detox… an energetic cleansing before we start anew.”
“Draft and re-draft our plans.”
“Our task is to thoroughly clear old ground and prepare the new.”
Of course, I had no idea, then, that it would look like THIS. I’ve been reorienting all year, along with you. And learning a lot about the signs and symbols of astrology as each cataclysm erupts. That’s actually the wondrous thing about astrology — it can light our way in times like these. It shows us the longer arc we are in; it nudges us toward what is possible. The planets say we are indeed inside a monumental societal transformation. For now, we are in the gut-wrenching part of the detox.
As dramatic as 2020 has been friends, there’s more coming. September through November are some of the most astrologically charged months. I see us heading into challenging times this fall. Maybe you do, too. Conflict and violence may continue to escalate. I’m orienting these posts toward helping us understand the astrology of this time — so we can learn it in our bodies and let our bodies find their wisdom postures.
The Astrology this Fall
(full details here; you can also skip ahead to the Challenge & the Medicine to read the overall message.)
One of the key astrological signatures this year is Mars in Aries. Mars usually spends 6 weeks in a sign, but because it is retrograding, this year it will instead spend 6 months in Aries. Throughout its sojourn, Mars will square all the planets in Capricorn — Pallas, Jupiter, Pluto, and especially Saturn.
Mars and Saturn are both in their home signs (aka domicile) which makes them more powerful. Think of it like this: a planet in domicile is like you being on your territory — you have more resources, comfort, and control, as opposed to playing on your opponent’s court. BUT, being in their home signs, Mars and Saturn are square to each other — which is a relationship of tension.
Essentially, Mars and Saturn are powerfully battling each other the rest of the year and into January 2021. This can look like increased polarization and conflict.
Mars is depicted in astrology as hot and dry. Dryness and heat can stimulate qi and activate movement. But too much of it inflames, aggravates, and increases divisions (us vs. them, good vs. evil). Mars is the principle of fight, drive, asserting one’s power. In its power, Mars is courageous, confident, and leans into forward motion. But when it is out of balance, the only way it knows to move is to bang down whatever’s in its path. Mars can glorify conflict and revel in taking an opponent. During Mars’ time in Aries, there is a strong draw to fighting and even violence.
Saturn is also dry and tends toward separation. Additionally, Saturn is cold — and therefore creates stiffness, rigidity, and firm boundaries. Extremism and divisions of all kinds are exacerbated right now. For the rest of the year, Saturn is superior to Mars by traditional analysis, because it rises over the horizon earlier than Mars. There is a strong draw toward fighting and even violence, but its expression will be thwarted and frustrated.
The Challenges
In the second half of 2020, the Mars energy is very strong. Tthere is increased desire for change, conflict, and even violence. We have already been seeing this. In June and July, the conflict played out more verbally as Mercury was in the mix. Then, when Mars squared Pluto, lightning storms struck fire throughout the West Coast. Now, Mars has come to a square with Saturn, which became exact on August 24, the day after Jacob Blake was shot.
Mars squaring Saturn is the energy of an anger long held, the explosion of a rage overdue. Frustrations of decades and centuries bubbling over. Understandably and rightfully so.
However, Mars is overpowered by Saturn this time. Saturn is in a superior square to Mars right now. This means our ability to fight will be hindered, suppressed. We will not be able to make as big or as immediate of impacts as we want. We will not be able to create change through force.
When Saturn hits, it blocks our way. Instead of blazing forward like Mars wants to, we run up against a barrier. Saturn grinds us to a halt. Saturn is the principle of boundaries, time, slow growth, learning your limits and earning your wisdom. With Saturn overpowering Mars, we have to keep steady, hold our ground, and find another way out. Time to re-group. Time to get strategic. Time to scaffold a long-range plan.
This is doubly so with Mars in its retrograde cycle. Mars has been in its shadow period, and will station retrograde next week on September 9 and go until November 13. Retrograding Mars has a more agitated and chaotic expression, because it does not have a clear outlet to release its assertive energy. Instead, it gets knotted up and twists upon itself. As Mars retrogrades, let’s watch out not to turn the frustration onto ourselves, our loved ones, and our friends in movements with us.
The Medicine
As change (Mars) meets resistance (Saturn), the situation in our country becomes more polarized. Any difference is perceived as dangerous. Any difference can be weaponized. As we witness extreme circumstances, we may feel the current push us to extremes, too. But extreme positions are unstable. They are the kinds of positions that the astrology this Autumn warns against. Taking a polarized position will lead to a crash. Instead, let us choose steadiness. We will need it to prevail.
There are multiple ways to be in resistance. One is the energy of knocking down the wall. Another is the energy of standing strong and steady like a wall, refusing to be moved. I think this is the kind of resistance our movements will need to embody. The astrology this fall is that Saturn outlasts Mars— the wall cannot be knocked down. So, what if we become the wall?
Yellowed cement on a wall wearing down over time. The robust red brick bursting forth from beneath.
We shall not be moved, freedom fighters have sung throughout the centuries. We can be the ones who will not be moved, no matter the challenges thrown our way. The ones who win right now are the ones who commit to the course and will not be knocked off. What would it look like for us to be the immovable ones? If you have thoughts, please share below. I’d love to hear!
To prevail, we must be steady.
Do not be shaken from your values. We may be moved, but our center of gravity is all our own. We can be shaken, but no one can push us to act outside of our truth. Integrity is always ours.
Face it. Bear witness. Look in the eyes of all that is here.
Call upon the strength of your spirit. It is stronger than you can perceive with your mind. It is made of something much bigger than yourself. It is made of all that ever was, and all that ever will be, breathing through you right now. Can you feel how you are made of everything that has ever touched you, and everything that has ever touched that, and that is every thing? All of it has survived and is living now through you. Steady yourself in that.
So. What would it look like for us to be the immovable ones? Some questions to consider:
Can you think of a time you contacted what you knew was true, and you held firm to it? What was that like?
What resources and supports help you be steady in yourself?
What is a moment in time when you experienced collective steadiness? Why made that possible?
What qualities of resilience have your ancestors passed onto you?
In my transformative justice study group, a brilliant member shared the phrase “protective inheritances.” They asked what qualities of resilience we have inherited from our lineages (biological or otherwise). Now I ask you: What are the protective inheritances of your lineages that you can call upon?
Key dates (Eastern Time)
All told, Mars and Saturn square each other three times between August 2020 - January 2021. Conflict is likely to become more heated as it meets inertia and refusal to change from the established systems. We got a first taste of it at the end of August, with Mars making its first exact square to Saturn. As other planets enter the scene and form what we call a T-square (astro-speak that there are multiple planets forming a right triangle), this energy will be amplified. That’s what happens between mid-October to mid-November. Three more planets enter the scene. Here are the key dates in the Mars - Saturn story:
Mars square Saturn: August 24
Venus square Mars and Saturn : September 2-4
Mars stations retrograde: September 9
Mars (retrograde) squares Saturn again: September 30
Sun squares Mars and Saturn: October 14-18
Mercury Rx: October 13 - November 3
Nov 3, Election Day: Mercury stations direct, square Saturn. Yes, this means there will be havoc in the mail and chaos getting to the truth. Even more than there already is now.
Venus squares Mars and Saturn: November 10-19. Venus is the strongest planet, the only one to prevail over either Mars or Saturn. The relationships we have been building and nurturing win us a momentary victory.
Mars stations direct: November 13
The world is going through a great transformation, reaching toward its next evolution and awakening. Through the tumult that comes with such a great shedding…
May we steady ourselves in our center.
May we be immovable from that center in the face of chaos.
May we be unwavering in the wind, so that our visions for the world may take root and blossom.