Green background with brown bark and white flowers. Overlaid is a photograph of an adult chimpanzee and snow leopard cub hugging. Text reads: Sacred Alliances: astrology for good friends. July 15 - August 22, Thursdays at 4:30-6:30pm Pacific.
Sacred Alliances is a 5-week astrology class in honor of friendship.
Thursdays at 4:30pm-6:30pm Pacific: July 15, 22, Aug 5, and Aug 12
Space is limited to 20 (aka 10 pairs of friends).
This is a BIPOC-dedicated space.
Priority goes to Queer/Trans/Non-Binary/2-Spirit/GNC/Intersex & Gender Expansive.
Elders encouraged to register!
The quality of our friendships plays a huge role in our overall wellness as well as the stability and wellness of our community. Now more than ever, our communities need strong friendships and deep solidarity to weather our modern day social and environmental crises.
In this course we will explore how astrology can promote deeper understanding and intimacy between 2 friends committed to growing their relationship. You will get a chance to explore each other's astrological signatures together using the language of the stars! We hope this class can help individuals in a committed relationship understand the nature of their connection & chemistry, their challenges and possible resolutions to difficult dynamics.
What kinds of friends are welcome? All kinds! Sometimes, if we’re lucky, our friends become our family. And sometimes, miraculously, our family members can become our friends, too. Friends of all shapes and sources welcome. Together, we’ll honor your origin stories and your continued evolution.
There will be 5 weeks of content: 4 weeks are group sessions and 1 week in the middle is dedicated to individualized mini-readings for each pair.
Class Topics (open to change depending on needs of group):
Class 1, July 15: Setting the Container: Intro to Relationship Astrology & Your combined Sun’s
Class 2, July 22: Your Mercury’s combined: communication styles. Analysis by element, modality and phase.
Week of July 26: Mini-Readings scheduled at your convenience
Class 3, August 5: Your Moons combined: emotional bonding. Analysis by element, modality and phase.
Class 4, August 12: Synthesizing & Practicing Relational Astro Skillz
About Us:
LiZhen Wang and Giselle Castaño have been best friends since 2003. They have weathered many storms together, lived together, been long distance friends, worked together, and traveled together. Astrology is one of many things they share and they are so delighted to be teaching a class series together.
Teaching Style, Beliefs about Learning, Community Culture:
We will be doing cute community building.
Sharing is encouraged and is a major part of learning!
We use interactive activities, creative writing & visualizations as ways to process.
Multi-generational learning is very important.
We are always working through harmful internalized messages about teaching and learning from school. We must become more aware of these so we can continue to learn and honor our minds and inherent intelligence.
You always have agency to move/meet your needs as you please during class.
This course is limited to 20 participants (10 pairs of friends). Sharing & vulnerability will be a big part of what we do. If that’s your thing, then this is for you.
A golden retriever and a Pekin duck snuggled up on hardwoood floor.
This work is offered freely in the gift economy. There are no fixed rates.
However, please consider making a donation that is appropriate for you, that reflects your financial situation and your access to resources. If you have more, please consider giving more — you’ll be making it possible for those with less resources to attend. Thank you!
If any of the suggested rates are too high for you, you are welcome to pay what you can. No one turned away for lack of funds! Payment plans are also possible.
Suggested Rates:
$222 - Base Rate - for those with modest finances
$333 - Sustainer Rate - for those with financial cushion
$444 - Abundance Rate - for those with bountiful resources
Pay what you can — for those with tight budgets
Elders come for free!
Registration extended to July 10 at 11:59pm! Registration closed; course is now full!
Black dog leaping out of a body of water on the left, while an elephant rears up out of the water at the same time on the right.